Bet you’re wondering what in the world a veranda party is! I don’t know an official definition. But I’ll tell you what it is for me.
Once a week, on Thursday nights, three of us gather on the telephone. This is one of my favorite times because I get to visit with my chum in
Now you’re asking, how did it become a Veranda party? Well our chum SLS who lives in
Our veranda parties last anywhere from ten minutes to two hours. Quite often we solve all of the world’s problems. And just as often, we create new ones. I think this is in direct proportion to the amount of wine consumption.
I can’t remember how long we’ve been having these parties but it probably started with the internet phone. I think this is one of the greatest inventions. Now, I must admit, I am technologically challenged, but this phone system is a must! You can talk long distance forever, have all the bells and whistles and a speaker on your phone. Now I ask you, what more could you want?
But back to the party. I hope you’ll consider starting one yourself. If you have someone far away you can’t see on a regular basis—try the veranda party. You may want to give it a different name—something or some place that has a special meaning for you. Life flies by so quickly. How special it will become for you to share time with someone you love. Who knows, maybe you’ll solve the problems we haven’t.
It is not a prerequisite, but I recommend keeping a bottle of wine on hand. Seems to make us laugh more. Have you ever realized how much better you feel after a good laugh? I don’t know what it releases, but it’s comparable to a good drug!
This brings up another good point about choosing your party buddies—only pick folks that are positive and make you laugh. There’s enough negative poop to deal with on a daily basis. Your veranda party is for fun, laughter and love. Nothing else is invited!!
So plan your party. Invite your guests and make it a weekly date. You will be amazed what it will add to your life.
Peace and love.